Music on the Edge
Beyond: Microtonal Music Festival 2025
JACK brings a wide array of microtonal wizardry though our closest collaborations in this spectacular festival celebrating the diverse world of music beyond the 12 keys of the piano. The quartet presents the world premiere of Austin Wulliman's Escape Rites, utilizing serial techniques and polyrhythmic cycling on a just-intonation-based 25-tone scale as well as a new quintet by festival organizer Mathew Rosenblum alongside pianist Conor Hannick. The quartet will also perform works by their own violinist Christopher Otto and present the world premiere of their long-term collaboration with Ellen Fullman: Energy Archive. Also on the festival, quartet members will collaborate with the vocal ensemble Ekmeles, perform the work of Marcos Balter, and play Amy Williams' Tangled Madrigal based on the work of Italian Renaissance microtonalist Nicola Vicentino.
February 21, 4pm
Talk presented by JACK Quartet: "Microtonal Theory and Performance"
Bellefield Hall Room 205
February 21, 8pm
JACK Quartet and Ekmeles Vocal Ensemble with Scott Pauley, lute
Bellefield Hall Auditorium
Amy Williams, Tangled Madrigal
Chris Otto, rags'ma